
When I just feel like rambling or ranting on philosophy, photography, or figments of my imagination.

The Green New Deal

Oil well pumpjack or donkey pumper in Oklahoma
Let's actually do something about climate change.  The Green New Deal is an actual plan.  Support it. The climate has changed: recent fires in California, early hurricanes in the Gulf, Canadian ice shelves breaking off into the sea.   Let's stop wringing our hands. When young...

Speaking Out

“An elective despotism was not the government we fought for.” Thomas Jefferson - Notes on Virginia I did not March yesterday.  Every woman I know, who could get out of bed, marched in solidarity and protest against the impending train wreck of the Donald Trump presidency....

Disturbance at The Sea Ranch

The Sea Ranch is legendary in the annals of California Coastal development.  In the early 1960's, ten miles of the Sonoma Coast was designated for development, in an era before there was any regulatory agency overseeing coastal development. Now, and as a result of such... – Self-Publishing Experiment

At launch of my new e-pub site,, one book is ready, 3 more scheduled. I have spent 30+ years in garden publishing, and am still standing.  I sold my first photograph 42 years ago.  Along the way I have received some nice awards and have...

Lawn Reform

I am a member of the Lawn Reform Coalition, a group of garden designers and environmental advovates who are promoting new ways to think about the American fetish for lawns.  Since my own particular advocacy is for sustainability, and most recently, meadow gardening specifically,...

My Father Died Today

Aug. 15, 1914 - Jan. 12, 2011     My father died today. Micajah Quincy Holt (1914-2011). And that is the end. I guess. ::: (am i sad ?) ::: I walk into the garden, Where my father taught me. The sky is too huge Everywhere He is smiling broadly That sly warm wink “Sax, I’m here. It’s wonderful. I slipped in.” ::: We...