Mental Seeds

M’Eyes and The Goldfinch

"Between 'reality' on the one hand, and the point where the mind strikes reality, there's a middle zone, a rainbow edge where beauty comes into being, where two very different surfaces mingle and blur to provide what life does not: and this is a space...

Peeling Bark

I see what I see, even if I can't show it very well on a blog.  Here, the peeling bark of a Manzanita (Arctostaphylos densiflora) has been transformed into elegant orange, rust, and mahogany brush strokes with the Topaz Simplify3 filter.  It looks great in...

Seeing ‘Roger’s Red’

Some days, simply venturing out with the camera is truly a tonic.  With full intent to go capture some photo or another, I escape the office, get out of doors, needing, indeed craving for photos to wash over me, allow me to click a...

Tupelo Impressions, After the Fall

I have missed two entire months.  For the record, I fell off a ladder onto my studio floor on Aug. 30.  Six broken ribs, separated shoulder, fractured skull, and concussion.  Life can change in an instant. Much recovered by now except a residual paralyzed facial...

Sunflower ‘Vincent’

Part of the commercial flower shoot for Sakata Seeds at the California Spring Trials were sunflowers, the variety ‘Vincent’.  To get them for the spring shoot in California they were flown in from Holland, where they waited for two weeks until the show, when...

Autumn Leaves, Vermont Pond

These leaves were photographed last autumn when I visited my cousin in Vermont.  I drove all across the state looking for fall color and then found this scene by a pond behind her property in rural Proctorsville.  Something to be learned about not driving...

Rosa ‘Apple Blossom’

It took 4 months to grow this picture; a single second in the garden to "see" it; and 8 hours of computer work to clean it up. The one second part is easy to explain.  Last Saturday was a garden day and when I walked...

Interpretations – Magnolia Glow

A recent assignment took me to a very special magnolia in a very special, private garden.  The resulting photo was to be a surprise gift, and I was only allowed access during one afternoon when the owner was away. I previously wrote about this adventure on Gardening...

Golden Trees

Mental Seeds blog is a promise to myself.  A promise of personal work.  A promise to find new ways to express what I see.  Even in those images I imagined before my eyesight changed. This image has been gnawing on me for years now, waiting...

M'Eyes, Weeping Tapestry

I promised myself I would complete a portfolio of images documenting my perceptions after the detached retina.  There were a good number attempts to do this with my G11 camera in the first months after the surgery.  I never got around to working on...